The 2019-20 U16 Dream Team was one for the books! Here’s what coaches Terry DelliQuadri & Pat Purcell had to say about this crew:

“Looking back through the training video for the U16s this season it’s evident that across the board the group made some real progress in technique, tactics, and speed. At the start of the season, DNFs were rampant on most training days, seemingly no one could get to the bottom of a training run or race. Towards the end of the season, we were setting extremely difficult and technical courses and they were mostly acing those tests.

The U16 Season is a series of qualifying races leading up to several layers of Championships. Unfortunately this year we didn’t get to the Championship part of the season, leaving everyone a little empty and unfulfilled. I think our U16s should be proud of how far they’ve come technically, tactically and faster.” — TDQ

“Not unlike past U16 groups, this particular group of U16’s stands out as, highly motivated & competitive with each other, both the guys and gals. On any given day either in training or racing, any one of these athletes were capable of tossing down the fastest time.” — Purcell