Student-athletes are on snow six days per week, training with top tier coaching staff and working with qualified tutors.
Winter Term offers five unique terms from November to March to accommodate your athlete's schedule and needs.
Winter Term builds a strong foundation for student-athletes high school and college experiences.
Now Open!
The Winter Term Experience
Founded in 2012, the Winter Term Program allows aspiring junior athletes the opportunity to access top-tier training and coaching opportunities, while continuing remotely in their school's curricula through one-on-one tutoring support.
The essence of the Winter Term experience is simple:
Small, closely knit training groups, individualized academic instruction, world class venues and training environments, all under the supervision of a highly qualified staff of tutors and coaches.
Personalized Academics
NYSEF is committed to providing highly individualized academic support for aspiring student-athletes.
6 hours devoted to academics each day, individual instruction by one of our ten highly qualified tutors, along with routine correspondence with your student's sending school guidance counselor and teachers through our Academic Coordinator.
Success on the hill and in the classroom
In order to receive success, we ensure student-athletes have an avenue to pursue their athletic goals without compromising their academic development. Student-athletes understand the athletic and academic balance on a daily basis through the utilization of coaches and tutors. As a result, the Winter Term Program instills a sound work ethic in the student-athletes to foster and build a strong foundation for their high school and/or college experience.
Close-Knit Community
Last year, a total of 36 athletes took advantage of Winter Term semesters of one month or more. Generally, our maximum term enrollment hovers around 20-22 athletes.
What do these numbers mean for the aspiring student athletes? Small, elite training groups. Individualized tutoring support. Progress on and off the hill.
What Families are Saying About Winter Term
"This program has truly been a great learning experience--both in terms of athletics & academics--for our son."
-Dennis and Karen T.
"The Olympic Training Center is the ideal venue for this program-- simply a healthy environment for young student-athletes. Exceeded our expectations."
--Matthew P.
"We were very satisfied with the academic component. We received great feedback from [our son's] teachers on the work he completed while away."
--Jennifer D.
"Excellent athletic component, great communication from coaches, superior academic program with an exceptional lineup of tutors... above and beyond!"
--Sharon and Greg T.