The 2020 – 2021 season will mark Brady’s 4th year with NYSEF, and the experience has been life changing for him and our family. NYSEF offers excellent coaching and the program is dedicated to improving skiers at all levels.  When you combine the elite staff with exceptional training venues, you have the formula to develop a world class program.

 Although our family skis for recreation, we never raced competitively and NYSEF has provided Brady with the fundamental skills and knowledge he needs to be a successful ski racer. It is also extremely beneficial to train with other racers who share the same passion for skiing and have similar athletic goals.

One of the best aspects of NYSEF is the strong sense of community and family – like atmosphere.  Everyone is so friendly and embraces the newcomers to the program.  Brady has developed many close friendships and will cherish these memories for years to come.  

In closing, NYSEF has provided Brady with the opportunity to follow his dreams and ski at the highest level.  We are sincerely grateful to NYSEF for providing Brady with an affordable, high quality alpine racing program.

-Meg DeSchriver Mason, Mother of Brady Mason, Alpine U19 FIS Athlete and Dare To Dream Scholarship Recipient.

Support athletes like Brady in the month of December by purchasing a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) “Chairman’s Party” ticket or basket (in lieu of our annual Chairman’s Party) or make a one-time donation to support the Dare To Dream Scholarship Fund. 

  Our goal is to raise $25,000 in the month of December!

If you are making a year- end gift to NYSEF by mail, please send your check to NYSEF, PO Box 300, Wilmington, NY 12997 and postmark on or before December 31.