Athletes, Parents and Coaches,

I hope that everyone is doing well!  It’s Memorial Day Weekend and it does not feel like we had Spring.

Fitness.  Last week I included in the email a link to SkillQuest Testing.  We are planning on having a NYSEF test date calendar in the near future.  We (Athletes) have an amazing opportunity right now to get into Athletic Fitness and Agility.  I know that each of you are working out/running/training/biking everyday, start to add in the  SkillsQuest Tests as you train.  Yes the scores from the tests are extremely important for the athletes trying to make the US Ski Team, but you can see how YOU stack up.  The benchmarks are there, and we may modify the numbers for the younger ages.  I should have the dates next week, most likely early August and early October, plenty of time to practice!

That’s it for today,

Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day Weekend,
