The NYSEF staff has been busy finalizing plans for what should be an outstanding year for all our athletes, disciplines, venues, families and friends. As soon as the lifts stop turning in the spring, the process begins for the coming season. Meetings are held with venue managers to discuss ways to improve our programs. Camp and race calendars are set. Returning staff are confirmed while new members are added to the team. It all happens while most of us are finalizing summer travel plans.

For those living in the Lake Placid area, you have seen the tremendous amount of work being done at Mt. Van Hoevenberg and the Ski Jumping Complex. The nordic venues are becoming the “best in class.” The NYSEF staff have also been investing their time and talent with some construction projects like the interior of the finish and timing building at Whiteface, a new chalet at Gore and a dedicated NYSEF headquarters, complimenting some significant lodge expansion at Belleayre.

While staff is investing their energy to make our venues better for athletes and families, we want to thank our generous supporters for investing financial resources throughout the season. With your help, NYSEF awarded $115,000 in scholarship during the 2018- 2019 season. We are very proud of this! However, the most challenging issue faced by programs across the country is a high drop-out rate as young athletes move up through the age classifications. No one seems to have found a solution, but it is clear that affordability is one, and possibly the most important. Whether you attend a social event or buy a raffle ticket from an athlete, you are helping us in our efforts to boost participation. Many thanks to all! Oh, and if you’re the lucky ticket, you may walk off with a new mountain bike.

Looking forward to a great season!