As you can probably tell from the lack of recent content on our Winter Term blog, it’s that time of the year when things get really good and busy. Athletes have been busy hitting the road every weekend for races, projects, comps and training opportunities, and we’ve had a packed mid-week schedule to boot.

With folks headed in every direction, it’s so important this year to simply stay organized and on top of all the little things that add up to become, well, big things.

That said, here’s a quick look at some recent happenings!

OTC Image

We took a sharp team photo!

GS Hill

There are Nor-Am alpine races happening all this week at Whiteface! Lots of folks with World Cup podiums to their name in this field. #learningexperience #theyskifast #ourhilllooksgood!

Podium Pic

Can you spot the NY athlete in this podium photo? We can.

NWS Kids

Our Northwood Skiing homies looking good!

Ice Castle

We hit up the Ice Palace in Saranac Lake after getting in 20 laps of awesome slalom at Pisgah!

 US Women Talk

We got to sit down with USST Coach Karin Harjo and her tech girls for a discussion about life, sports, school, and making it all work. Really valuable, and really informative. Thanks for visiting, team! Don’t worry, we asked lots of good questions.

US Women Talk 2

Lastly, it’s been a challenging season for our team in terms of injuries. To all those who have suffered a setback, or are currently clawing their way back to 100%, we’re thinking of you. And don’t worry, these sort of setbacks along the road of life are what make us tough, resilient, hard-working individuals. It ends up being that sort of “Type-2″ fun.

Anyhow, for those working hard to get back on the hill, here is a little motivation from those who have been in your shoes.

The take home point? Just ask Resi Stiegler, who has spent EIGHT YEARS working her way towards repeating a top-15 finish on the World Cup (which she finally did this season):

“You have to work hard,” says Stiegler. “Your body has to be in incredible shape to be coming back from all that. I think a lot of athletes, they get injured and they work out, but they’re not giving it their all. You have to work twice as hard as a normal person in the summer because you’re technically coming back from twice as much.”
